Tuesday 18 November 2008

Dead Earth

dead earth

I haven’t read a book in a single day in years. Until Dead Earth: The Green Dawn that is.

Okay, I’m kind of cheating because Dead Earth: The Green Dawn by Mark Justice and David T. Wilbanks (published by PS Publishing) is a novella, but it’s a novella I couldn’t put down. There are zombies, a small town, apocalyptic dreams, the military, and a collection of unforgettable characters – everything an apocalyptic novel thrives on. And as its central character Jubal Slate, a young deputy who I defy anyone to dislike. There is not a dull moment in its ninety-four pages, and that includes the introduction.

I have only one complaint – I wanted more from this universe, and in my impatient fashion I want it now.*

*According to Gary Braunbeck’s introduction, more Dead Earth novels are planned.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Novella's are still technically books. They just aren't long books. (They aren't any easier to write either)

Cate Gardner said...

And there is not one word wasted in this one. I highly recommend it.

K.C. Shaw said...

I love novellas! This one sounds like a lot of fun.

Cate Gardner said...

Edge of the seat stuff. I've locked my copy away in a glass cabinet for when someone decides to turn the story into a tv series/movie (I see great things in their futures) because not only is the book limited edition, it's signed!!! YAY!

Carrie Harris said...

You always get the coolest books. Seriously. Makes me jealous.

Cate Gardner said...

I have fantastic taste. :)

Rob Brooks said...

Sounds good. Wish my library carried it.

Cate Gardner said...

Oh, libraries - takes me back. Our library closed a couple of years back.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Cate- That is so sad. I don't use the library much, I like buying books too much but I would still fight if they threatened to take our local library away.

Cate Gardner said...

It's a lovely old building - old being the problem with it. It was closed for repairs and has never reopened. Last time I went in they had buckets laid out to collect the rainwater. Not exactly the ideal place to store books I suppose.

I love new books too, but there are a lot of older folk who can't afford to buy lots of books and one day I will probably be one of them. :) Isn't that a cheery thought - now go back to work, we're writing books that are going to make our fortunes. YAY!

Anonymous said...

That one sounds good.

Cate Gardner said...

It is indeed.