Wednesday 1 October 2008

And that was September...

This has to be my most unproductive 'What I did last month' post of the year. Boo me!

Okay, let the shame begin.

1. I wrote three flash length stories.

Strange Tooth - written for and sent to Flash Fiction Online, because they pay a ridiculous amount of money for flash fiction.

Rosalind Red Stands in the Snow - sent to Allegory. I know what I wanted to achieve, but I am not certain I pulled it off.

Leviathan's Moving Theatre - another try at Cinema Spec before it closes. The story I had on hold was rejected on Black Friday.

2. One measly short story.

The Hollow Framework of the Cotton Man - not telling you where I sent that one, but somebody knows (I think).

3. Started the second draft and finally came up with a title for my MG novel: Strange Bones - currently 4740 words in.

4. Not certain this one counts. Signed up for NaNoWriMo (thanks to the guys at Graveside Tales), and within 24 hours had formulated an idea and a bunch of titles. Very excited. Very, very excited. Now I just need 50,000 words worth of plot.

Have a spook-filled, idea busting, October.


Michael Stone said...

Sounds plenty productive to me.

Jamie Eyberg said...

looks like a good september to me too.

Carrie Harris said...

No kidding. It sounds perfectly good to me too. I've decided that
I need to count blog posts toward my monthly word count, because then I will not feel like such a slacker.

Cate Gardner said...

Ah! But you're not aware just how much procrastinating I've done.

Aaron Polson said...

I agree-sounds pretty productive. I'm drifting into a "quality" not "quantity" way of thinking. Procrastination can be productive, too--in its own way. :)

Anonymous said...

Your September was MUCH more productive that mine! My September involved a LOT of waiting...

Cate Gardner said...

Aaron - Quality should always win out, but sometimes I get obsessed with the quantity. :)

Barry - you have so been more productive than me.

K.C. Shaw said...

I did pretty much nothing over September, so you've still got me beat! Good luck with Cinema Spec. I'm still waiting to hear back; I think the editor is going to hold it until the deadline, just so I won't send her anything else. :)

Cate Gardner said...

LOL! I often think the same thing when an editor holds onto something until the deadline has passed.

Rob Brooks said...

Good luck with the Cinema spec. I sent my sub to them just a few days ago. I guess one of the advatanges of waiting till close to the deadline to submit is that I won't have to wait as long for a rejection...I mean response.

sruble said...

That sounds like a very productive month. I hope your stories get contracts! Good luck with NaNo; I have problems coming up with 50k worth of plot too ;)

Ed Wyrd said...

Are you trying to lower yourself to my production level? That's so sweet. :)

Fox Lee said...

I can't wait to start writing. Congrats on coming up with an idea so quickly!

Cate Gardner said...

Good luck with your Cinema Spec submission, Rob.

Thanks, sruble.

Ed, my pleasure. :)

Natalie, me too! :)

Brenda said...

If I could get all that done and procrastinate...I would be a happy woman..grin...

Mary said...

I love October!