Friday 12 September 2008

I want a room in their hotel

So, I'm sure a few of you have received an email from the guys over at Hotel Guignol about your submission, but if you haven't or if you are still wondering if you should send a script/story for their consideration, check out their short horror film Olivia which is entered in the Master of the Macabre competition.

And make sure you keep watching beyond the credits...

Did you watch it? I bet you really, really, really want them to accept your story now. I know I do.


Erik said...

That was uber-creepy greatness. Wow.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Wow. certainly a Robert Bloch moment there.

Cate Gardner said...

They certainly know what they're doing.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

What a fun little flick...I like getting that just-watched-a-scary-movie chilly feeling in the morning, it kind of tints the rest of your day.

Cate Gardner said...

Yeah, I was very impressed by the effort.

Aaron Polson said...

Yikes. A good example of super creepy minimalism.

Kimbra Kasch said...

Creepy - ewww.

Felicity Dowker said...

It's pretty cool, isn't it. It stayed in my mind long after viewing it.

Hey Cate, I've received two emails from Hotel Guignol now - the first one saying they were "seriously considering" the subs of everyone who received the email, and then linking to "Olivia", which I'm assuming is the same email you got. Then another one today saying something like "you will all definitely be a part of Hotel Guignol"...I'm a little confused. Did you get the second email? What's your interpretation?

Cate Gardner said...

Felicity - my interpretation of the first email was a 'Round Robin' so that all the contributors would check out their little film (I had no problem with that) and as to the comment in the second email, I think they mean that we will all be watching the mini-movies at Hotel Guignol. It is an exciting project and I wish them well. Do I think I'll get in? God, no. :)

Hayes - A million times NO! Oh and spammers suck.

Fox Lee said...

That scared the crap out of me!

Cate Gardner said...

I thought it was a perfect example of how to scare without all the hack and slash stuff.