Five days into July... Well four really as I haven't started writing today (cough!) unless you count this post.
So where was I... Five days into July and I've already completed two short stories. Okay they are not technically or officially or by most peoples standards 'short stories' but they are 100% undeniably titchy.
That is, they are both 100 words, including the title, short.
I've sent the first Halloween Watch (the title stinks but ho-hum it was all I could think of) to Necrotic Tissue for their 100 Word Halloween 'Bite' Contest. The second, Bug Eyed, is waiting to be dispatched - hence the heir & a spare title - to Necrotic Tissue if the first submission is rejected. They normally have quick return times so I should be able to get two in within the submission period. And if, good heavens, the first is accepted I will send Bug Eyed to them in October when they reopen for submissions.
Bought myself a basket full of DVDs this morning. Can't wait to watch them all - Fido, 30 Days of Night, Stardust, The Brave One, Untraceable and Rendition. It feels as if I haven't seen a good movie in forever. Ooh, and it's the last Doctor Who tonight... That Tennant bloke and his Tardis better survive...
I sent "Miss Molly's Scarecrow" a few days ago : )
Loving that title...
The Necrotic Tissue. Reminds me of zombies, which I hate to death (haha), but also of that old cartoon 'The Tick', particularly the episode where some guy grows and accidentally eats T-Rex flesh, then becomes a T-Rex.
Yeah, I know it has nothing to do with anything, I'm just trying to cover up the fact I don't know what Necrotic Tissue is...
Then check it out Matt - especially as they accept 100 word stories which would be ideal for you.
Fido is great! Let me know what you think.
Eric, one word - Hilarious!!! Okay, and a couple more - wonderfully bizarre!
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