Wednesday 23 July 2008

From the Asylum News

For those of you who have submitted something to Things Aren't What They Seem, the anthology from the guys over at 'From the Asylum'. I just checked out their site and it seems things are delayed due to a death in the family. They should be back up and running in August.


Fox Lee said...

Better a postponement than to have it cancelled. Of course the longer my story is out the longer I begin to suspect that it blows.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw this yesterday. Makes me feel bad for silently cursing them everytime I checked my mail for the last 2 weeks.

Are you among the anxiously waiting ranks, too?

Cate Gardner said...

I am amongst the anxiously waiting ranks.

Tyhitia Green said...

Thanks for sharing this, Catherine. I really need to write more shorts and submit them. :-)

Cate Gardner said...

I'm the opposite - that is, I need to write less shorts. ;)