I've sent off a second story to Shroud's 'Northern Chill' anthology.
For my second attempt I knew that I wanted to write a story set at the beach. I played with a few ideas, trawled the internet for info on beaches in New England until I stumbled upon the Sand Sculpting competition that takes place each June at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire. From then on I knew my story would be set around sand sculptures, and when I found the above picture (if you click on the picture it takes you direct to the site and more fabulous temporary art) everything came together.
Ooh, awesome pic! Vaguely creepy, certainly fascinating. Good luck with the story!
Cheers :)
Look at you, being all productive and such! I think I'll stick with my "one submission" rule right now as I've got some rewrites to get done and another story to pump out this week.
I originally thought I would send in four stories (one for each category) and have instead sent three - all of which probably belong in the same category. DOH!
I set mine at a children's day camp. I grew up in CT, so I had a lot to work with : ) Of course it could still reek.
I think I may have hit lucky with one of my submissions - I got a wee bit carried away and subbed 3 in total - so far :). In the editor's received reply he put that he used to live in the place I set the story in. Go figure! Out of the whole of New England I put the pin in the right part of the map.
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