If you love zombies (can you love zombies!!! I'm guessing not in the literal sense - I mean gross!), anyhow, yada yada, then check out this anthology from Permuted Press,
History is Dead which has gruesome tale after gruesome tale of them...
This is history as you've never seen it before...
You can buy a copy of it at the
Permuted Press site. Support the small press and all that...
And on a cool note - the zokutou word meter looks to be back up and running. YAY!
Ooh, glad the word meter is working again. How I missed thee.
Thank you thank you thank you! I'm addicted to zombies. And, I officially gave up on NaNo this year, but I'm still working on the novel. I'm just focusing on quality when I have the time to write.
I freakin LOVE zombies. Thanks for the suggestion.
If you haven't read World War Z (the prequel, Zombie Survival Guide is almost as good.)
Thanks for visiting guys - and Brad - I'll check that book out. Cate
Dang. I get all caught up on your bloggy blog and find this gem. Sweet. I'm ordering it as we speak.
Fact: Zombies rule.
As for World War Z, eh...I was sorta bored by it. Instead of telling one nice long zombie tale, it meandered and got all political and stuff.
I was disappointed, yo.
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